Monday, September 24, 2012

A Day at the Arboretum

Walking to the arboretum, I got a little lost.  I could see it from afar, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to get there.  I had to go through some tall grass but I finally made it.  As we began to explore, the first thing that stood out were the rocks set up in an interesting formation.  I wasn't sure about what they were, but it looked cool!

Continuing to walk, I noticed a plant that I thought looked like pepper.  That is because they were peppers... They were beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow.  

Perhaps the cutest part of the arboretum was the bench under all the plants.  Underneath, I noticed the gourds hanging from it which added to the prettiness of it.  I would love to just sit on this bench for hours, it was so beautiful.  

I love sunflowers! I was happy to see a big patch of tall sunflowers in the arboretum.  There were bees flying all around the flowers which was lovely (Bees don’t bother me).

There were so many flowers around, and in the middle there was a pond with lily pads and bright pink flowers.  The contrast was so pretty! This was one of my favorite parts of the arboretum. 

The feeling at the arboretum is nothing but good.  The nature makes you feel alive and the colors bring happiness.  It is an amazing place to get away from campus and school.  Even if you were feeling sad, this would be the place to come.  Nature has a strong impact on many people, and it can do wonders on the soul.

My first trip to the arboretum will not be my last!  Some of my friends have been there before, but I never got a chance to go with them.  I have already told a few people about it, and I will definitely return soon.  I would like to go alone too because it would be the perfect place to gather thoughts and think.


  1. I love the way you broke up the text with pictures that pertain to what you were talking about, as well as making it clear what you liked about the gardens. I enjoyed reading your post.

  2. Christine--

    Your photos are lovely! So glad you enjoyed our visit.


  3. I love your picture of the sunflower! It is truly spectacular and beautiful. I agree that the arboretum is a calming place where you can gather your thoughts. Your blog is very cute and interesting; I can't wait for more posts to read
